Cream Chese Frosting- the SCD way

For my 28th birthday, I wanted to make myself a carrot cake.  I tried making a carrot cake about 2 months into the SCD diet, almost three years ago, but since I couldn’t use cream cheese, I made a glaze out of coconut butter.  It just wasn’t the same.  I missed the tangy creaminess of the cream cheese frosting.

During my last flare, I pinned a picture of Primal Palate’s Carrot Cake with the caption, “This is going to be my celebratory meal, once I’m out of this flare.”  I didn’t quite live up to that promise, but my birthday presented the perfect chance to give it a try.

I followed their recipe for the cake, which you can find here.  It was delicious- one of the best carrot cakes I’ve ever had in my life.  I decided to try  cream cheese frosting that used SCD legal Farmer’s Cheese in place of cream cheese.  After a few trial and errors, I came up with one that tasted very similar to the same thing, though with a slightly different (though still delicious!) consistency.  In fact, my husband said that he preferred it to real cream cheese frosting!


6 ounces Farmer’s Cheese

6 ounces butter

1/4 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla extract


1.) Melt the butter and cheese, so that they are soft, but not entirely runny (about 40 seconds in the microwave).

2.) Place in blender and blender until smooth, which takes about 30-45 seconds.

3.) Add honey and vanilla and blend until incorporated.

4.) At this point, it will be runny and in a liquid state.  Remove from blender and place it in the freezer for 10 minutes.  It will harden and become spreadable.  Don’t put it in there for too long or it will freeze!

5.) Remove from freezer and spread on cake (or muffins).  Enjoy!

Cream Cheese